Dream about Elevator

Dream about Elevator (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Dreaming of an elevator is not strange, since it is a machine that you use every day . It is a dream that generally involves your economic activity and the way you respond to the dangers that are approaching in your professional career. Usually it is a positive dream, but it brings some challenges and questions for the dreamer….

Dream Of Vomiting

Dream of Vomiting (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Have you ever had the bad luck of dreaming about vomit ? We all have to agree that vomiting is a most disgusting act. And having to see it in dreams can not be anything pleasant. If you’ve been feeling sick or went to sleep with indigestion, it’s no wonder you see this. Like, if you witnessed someone vomiting, so be…

Dream about Moving

Dream about Moving (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Dreaming about moving predicts a positive or negative change depending on the dream. It is a rare dream, and it is even considered highly predictable, that is, if the dreamer lives the experience of moving in their dreams, any of the predictions that we will expose later will be soon to be fulfilled. Moves are changes to a…

Dream of Foreigners

Dream of Foreigners (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Being in another country, perhaps for many of us it is a great adventure because we like to travel. However, for others it can cause panic and fear. Not just because we don’t know the culture, but because even another language can be a barrier. Perhaps then, dreaming of foreigners has to do with worries and the anticipation of danger….

Dream with Message

Dream with Message (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Dreaming of a message is not a modern dream, in ancient times text messages were considered those that were received by any means and even made part of important predictions. At that time, the messages delivered positive or negative news and the receiver was in charge of interpreting them through dream experts. Today, messages were transformed into…

Dream about Window

Dream about Window (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Dreaming of a window has several meanings between positive and negative. This dream always goes unnoticed by believing that the window in question is one more object that adorns your dream. However, the meaning of the dream with a window goes a little further than you imagine and becomes a prediction of your life towards the outside. It should…

Dream about Leaks

Dream about Leaks (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Leaks in dreams talk about domestic problems . You may have had a big family argument, or you may be experiencing a crisis with your partner. But whatever the situation is, you will have to deal with it as soon as possible. One of the main characteristics of dreaming about leaks is that it happens to make you reflect…

Dream of Dwarfs

Dream of Dwarfs (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Although dreaming of dwarves is rare, it is one of the most curious dreams that anyone can have. The meaning of dreams with dwarves is as varied as the times we have read stories where they are present. Most people remember Snow White, so they think of the names of each dwarf in the story. However, if you dream of…