Dream of Land (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)
Dreaming of land symbolizes the foundation of your beliefs. Depending on the type of earth visualized, the personification of changes taking place within you varies. For example, it may mean that you are presenting an inconsistency in your ideas, that you will undergo a change of perspective or even the incorporation of new feelings into your life.
The earth represents an integral part in the life of each one of us. That is why we have decided to explain to you the meaning of dreaming of land. Although it is normally taken for granted that it is always there under our feet , giving it only importance and value when it comes to crops and possessions, within a dream plane it acquires an clarified meaning of disturbances within us.
Seeing the earth in dreams can have many different meanings, depending on your circumstances and the condition in which the earth is viewed. In general, the land represents power, authority, love, care, fertility, happiness and wealth. It is enough to only study the details of the dream to know exactly what your subconscious tries to manifest.
What Does it Mean to Dream of Land?
The earth, within an astral plane, allegorically represents the human body. It is the image of all things in nature that we normally take for granted, but are those that allow us to exist. In the same way that the physical earth is made up of past events, in which the trees and leaves, plants and creatures that have lived have crumbled into dust to feed the earth; Likewise, the land that appears in your dreams represents the past on which your present has been carved , and on which your future will be built. Therefore, deepening in the dream, you will be able to discover things from your past that you have deliberately buried there, as well as deep feelings that you have hidden under that earth.
Dream of black earth
The black earth inside dreams can give a confusing message. On the one hand, it is the best soil to cultivate, as it is rich in nutrients. But the color black esoterically speaking, portends problems and difficulties, therefore, if you dreamed of black earth, it means that a series of changes will come into your life that will generate many inconveniences . These changes are mainly linked to your economic side, which contrary to what you may think, is a premonition of economic abundance, but if you do not manage to maintain a balance, they will bring with them problems that will disturb your soul.
Dream of brown earth
Brown earth is very common in dreams. You dream of brown earth when you know that difficulties are coming that will make you change your perspectives , but this does not mean that they will make you a better or a worse person. Everything will depend on the attitude you assume when facing these challenges.
Dream of fertile land
The main characteristic of fertile land is that it has the quality of generating life through it. Everything that is born from the earth is the fruit of the direct spiritual divinity that we have with our earthly plane, so if you dream of fertile land, it means that you will have fruits in your life as a result of the development given from the possibilities that are given to you. have presented, and mainly who you really are. From the point of view of dreams, everything you believe in is externalized through your creative side , making you grow in the process. In short, the fertile land of your dream is an allegory of a new skill that you are trying to develop taking into account your limitations and your attributes.
Dream of dry land
The arid or dry land in dreams is synonymous with blockages, worries, deficiencies, inability to move forward, and mainly means that you feel trapped or trapped by some problems in your life. It is very likely that negative emotions are invading you and preventing you from dealing with the situations you are experiencing. As long as you are more focused or focused on the seriousness of your dilemmas, you will not be able to give your all to solve them, so you must calm down and think correctly so that you do not make any mistakes.
Dream of land and water
As indicated above, the earth represents our connection with nature; while water is a symbol of life and energy. Within dreams, land and water on the same plane come to be a reflection that it is time to leave behind the banal importance that we give to material things , in order to come into direct contact with our soul and align it with our own. around, connecting our roots and our origin, with the world we inhabit. We have to understand that our worries are trifles, so we must take life in stride.
You may also be interested in knowing in this article the possible meanings of dreaming about water .
Dreams of wet earth
One of the fragrances that make us feel most in tune with nature is that of wet earth. Although it is a bit difficult to walk through wet ground, if you dreamed of wet ground, it means that you are already in a position to face any challenge that comes your way, since your goal is to achieve your goals. Congratulations, you have reached a degree of maturity that very few people manage to achieve , so you can succeed in everything you set your mind to.
Dream about potting soil
Potting soil is that which gives life to the plants in our home, which is why it is strongly associated with the family. This garden land within dreams means that abundance and prosperity will soon come for you and your family ; Although they must be very conscious with the expenses: do not spend by the handful, because otherwise there will be difficulties in the future, in which they could be financially strained.
Dream of graveyard land
It is normal to associate the graveyard land with death, but this does not mean that the dream in which the graveyard land appears is a premonition . In reality, it is more inclined to the link that exists between your earthly life and your spiritual plane, in which curiosity about what is intangible and dogmatic makes you slightly doubt your beliefs. You should not let that existentialist doubt about what is after this life disturb your spirit, since many people who get involved in this topic do not manage to enjoy their life to the fullest.
Also know the interpretation of dreaming about a cemetery .
Dream of red earth
Within the esoteric symbolism of color, red represents serenity and balance, as well as strength and passionate action. For this reason, the red earth in dreams is an allegorical representation that at this moment your life is a bit unbridled , so you must seek a harmony between your duties and your pleasure. Remember that not everything in life is work, you have to learn to enjoy the small details of life, and that although it is important to follow our goals, we must not leave out the people around us who are there to support us at all times.
Other Meanings of Dreams with Land
- If in your dreams you are covered with earth , it means that you feel a deep fear of falling into poverty. It is very difficult to associate a person who is not totally clean with wealth, so if in your dreams you find yourself covered with earth, it represents the concern you feel for the well-being of you and yours . There is nothing to worry about, this dream is only a symbol of your inner nobility and humility, it does not mean that you are giving too much importance to money, but rather that for you it is only a means to cover your basic needs.
- If you dreamed that you lay down on the earth , it means that in your waking life you are giving more relevance than you should to insignificant problems. Being in contact with the ground directly is a signal from your subconscious that you should take things more calmly , since stress does not bring you any benefit. Remember all the time that we are a reflection of what we think and the vibes that we transmit.
- If within your dreams you unearthed an object , it is a sign that in your waking life you managed to make peace with feelings harbored within you . Normally, when we are living situations of great stress that generate negative feelings, the brain seeks to bury all those bad feelings in order to eliminate any threat. But by doing this, instead of debugging those bad vibes, the feeling remains unconsciously latent.