Premonitory Dreams (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)

Premonitory dreams have been part of human history . Probably the best known premonitory dream is written in the bible, where a pharaoh dreams of 7 fat cows and 7 skinny cows, while Joseph interpreted this dream as 7 years of plenty and 7 years of famine.

However, there are older records that narrate indigenous tribal leaders who had premonitions and were quickly interpreted in favor of the indigenous people. Even most of the sacrifices that these ancient cultures made were made after the leader of the same had a dream with a particular premonition .

But history has also taught us other aspects of premonition. With the arrival of social networks we have seen how stories are shared of people who predicted wars, world problems and even who would be the next presidents and important people.

To understand premonitory dreams it is necessary to study their techniques, concepts, benefits and even dangers. Therefore, we created a detailed guide on these dream visions. 

What are premonitory dreams?

What are premonitory dreams

Premonitory dreams are dream visions that provide special details about possible events in the future. Sometimes a person can constantly have these types of dreams and only one occurs, while other people have a premonition sporadically, but with a high index of assertiveness.

It is believed that dreaming foreboding is the meaning of misfortunes . This is not really the case, that is, dream visions can be both negative and positive. However, it is necessary to study the real meaning of the dream and differentiate a visual impact from a premonition.

In recent weeks, many people had dreams about meteorites in the wake of NASA sighting a meteor that would pass close to Earth. Some dreamed that it would impact, others that great danger was approaching. However, all these dreams were due to a visual impact they had during the day.

So, premonitory dreams go beyond a dream episode. Experts assure that this type of experiences can be considered a gift in people, which they may not develop by ignoring their conditions.

Why do you have premonitory dreams?

Why do you have premonitory dreams

It is considered that people who have precognitive dreams have trouble sleeping or suffer from too much excitement at the moment to do so. Clairvoyance students reported that they discovered this gift because it was impossible to sleep peacefully. This is how it is believed that premonition is related to the energies that a dreamer can have.

To understand the reason for this, we must study the concept of a para-scientist. Where these methods of premonition are done through intellectual intuition, using a rational-deductive model. That is, so far it is only believed that it is an intuition that has had a result to what was believed, but it is not a scientific fact.

However , the reasons are due to predictive dream sensitization . That is, the fascination that a dreamer begins to have about the meaning of their dreams, leading them to become highly predictive and accurate. So are these dreams a gift or a practice? There is still a long discussion about this question, for now, you must learn to have premonitory dreams, to draw your own conclusions.

How to have premonitory dreams?

How to have premonitory dreams

Dream awareness is the key concept in learning to have premonitory dreams. It is a practice that includes several techniques, but the fundamental thing is based on the interpretation of current dreams and the study of dream visions.

Before being able to dream premonitory, one must understand concepts such as lucid dreams or impact dreams. The latter are the most common dreams that people have after receiving strong news or reading about a theory that has impacted them. An example of this was those people who constantly dreamed that the world would end in 2012. In some cases, other people are in charge of including false ideas in people and that they reproduce it overnight.

Premonition is based on practice, therefore, it is necessary to learn techniques to have premonitory dreams and know how to interpret them.

Techniques for having premonitory dreams

Techniques for having premonitory dreams

Liberation and peace of mind. It is the first rule and technique to master to control dreams. Mental liberation consists of separating the situations of the day with the normal development of a dream. More than a practice, it is an emotional state.

The dreamer cannot be in an episode of emotional or work stress, nor with feelings of anguish. The above only generates mental distractions that can even make you have dreams that when trying to describe or interpret them, will only end up mentally bothering you.

However, a dreamer in a state of lucidity and peace of mind can concentrate on his dreams. In this way, get into details for a correct premonition.

Organization of mental ideas. Before entering your dream, you must have a series of key mental ideas. This means that the dreamer cannot force his dream, only wait to have it to be interpreted. Forcing or trying to manipulate the dream is known as lucid dreaming and this practice is totally different.

When you organize your mental ideas, you begin to notice details in the environment that will help you understand the meanings of dreams.

Dream Interpreter Technique. At this point, the true technique to have premonitory dreams begins . It consists of collecting all the ideas and visions that you had during the dream to find their true interpretation. That is, what events occurred in your dream vision that will be key for the following days.

Being an expert dream interpreter will help you have precognitive dreams. But this phase of your life is done with practice and study. It requires you to  study all possible dream interpretations and their meanings become practical for you, through the analysis of the interpretations.

Analysis of the interpretations. It is a technique attached to the previous one, look for family, friends or acquaintances who like to hear about the meanings of their dreams. He makes small studies, but when he says goodbye to this person, he writes down his interpretation on a piece of paper to analyze the results.

Generally, you will receive news as the days go by if your prediction of the dream was true or not. At first you may not deliver accurate predictions, but over time you will become an expert at prediction. In addition, you can create your own database or source of information about what you consider a particular dream means.

Excellent memory. This point, more than a technique, is a recommendation . When you wake up you should have the ability to write down the dream, as well as remember what prediction you gave to a friend and find out if it was like that or what happened was not related in any way to what you predicted.

To start I recommend a notepad and a pen next to your bed, in this way you will carry a memory of dreams like Sigmund Freud . Which you can analyze later and interpret.

Premonitory dream technique. It must have been a few months since you started interpreting other people’s dreams or your own dreams. At this point you should already be aware of your concepts and be cautious in your recommendations when interpreting dreams.

From here, you are able to have fully describable and predictable dreams. But you probably want to evolve, however, it is not clear to make an explanation of what you should do.

Experts recommend that you become a critical, philosophical and political person. It should be noted that when referring to politics, the concept of society and economy is sought, not supporting a political party or politicking.

It is that with greater concepts, start receiving from your environment and studying theories and other philosophers, you become a wise person. That is, someone who understands the political, economic and statistical landscape that lives in their city, then their region, then their country and finally their continent.

It is essential that you study your environment little by little, it is useless to be a connoisseur of much and a master of nothing. This only makes you someone with a lot of ideas and even your dreams can start to get confusing from receiving so much nonsense information.      

How to interpret premonitory dreams?

How to interpret premonitory dreams

Once the previous techniques have been applied and learned, it is time to interpret premonitory dreams. In theory, all dreams that are not influenced by television or something experienced during the day, are premonitory.

However, the interpretation of dreams portends positive or negative changes for the dreamer. However, a premonition is based on an event that can affect many people and even predict the crash of the stock market or the murder of someone important.

The concept is the same, a prediction is similar to a premonition, the radical difference is the accuracy of your dreams with upcoming events and that your dreams impact a society. To make this clear, let’s take an example.

A dreamer has had a dreamlike vision about a boss cutting his hand with a knife, the interpretation is that you are going to have a problem at work or a danger as a result of a betrayal. If this happens and it only affects you, it was an exact prediction from a dream. Now, if there were several workers who lost their jobs and a client betrayed them, then it is considered a dream with an exact premonition.

Although it seems an illogical concept, over time you will begin to identify when your dream can affect an entire society or it can simply affect you. As time goes by, with practice and studies, you become an expert in the prediction and premonition of your dreams.

Benefits of premonitory dreams

The benefits of premonitory dreams are based on their usefulness, that is, a dream that portends a strong illness and that results in this way, may seem like a negative disadvantage, but seen from the dream world, it is a great benefit to have interpreted it.

The meaning of negative or positive dreams was given by men, but in reality for this astral plane nothing is positive or negative, it is simply part of a premonition. Even some ancient mythologies claim that their thinkers only wrote the dreams and waited for the result, in this way they determined their meaning, regardless of whether the result was negative or positive.

So, it is recommended that you become someone neutral and just when interpreting dreams. If it is a premonition that augurs a death, it is time to give this information as it is interpreted. This is the main benefit of having premonitory dreams, it becomes a way of seeing the future and playing with destiny to try to shape it at your convenience, only when they are individual dreams.

The dangers of premonitory dreams

Fanaticism is the main danger of a premonitory dream.  Upon awakening you must have the ability to recognize a positive or negative premonition, but always live your normal life. You should not become someone who only lives through dreams, as it can affect your correct normality and start giving you false dreams.

Throughout the article we have explained about the importance of studying, training and inquiring. This requires that the dreamer be in constant open spaces sharing experiences and analyzing dreams. You should not live unrealities and believe that your premonition is a divine law, since before you start to gain gifts, you will begin to lose them.

Lastly, it is important to be cautious and humble in this situation. You should not refer to yourself as a person with the gift of premonition, since at some point someone may receive a false interpretation and you will end up paying the consequences. Great teachers were thus categorized by society, but they never called themselves teachers or divine beings.

Recommended movies about these dreams

The following films will help you understand what premonition consists of and what you can achieve with a correct interpretation of dreams. Next to each title, I will explain the reason to see it. In addition, the list will be organized in a way that little by little you inquire about this world. It is likely that you already saw them, but with the above information try to repeat them and you will notice the key concepts.

Lost (2014). It is directed by David Fincher and stars Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, and Neil Patrick Harris. Although this film is not about dreams, it consists of a woman who, through a notebook and her thoughts, predicts what would happen if she disappears from her husband’s life. Each event occurs as I imagine it, which makes one understand the power of organizing ideas. This is the first movie to watch about premonitory dreams.

Angels and demons (2009). Starring Tom Hanks, her character begins to have visions about the end of the world. The film takes place in this context and gives you insight into how understanding each part of the dream can help you escape and save the earth. It is a recommended movie to learn about the importance of details in a dream.

Premonition (2016). An elderly man who can see events from the past helps a group of detectives, including a doctor in psychopathology, solve murders. The main theme is that the murderer sees the future and the mythical Anthony Hopkins will try to prevent it. It is a film where the mental capacity to predict, explain or detail events of the present and the future comes into play .

A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984). Although this is one of the films that highlights the importance of nightmares, there are a variety of sequels to this story. All are related to dreams and how manipulating them can cause the death of a person. On the real level, it will help you identify problems that may have a badly unfounded ideal or a badly performed interpretation.

Final Destination saga (2000). The saga of five films of final destination explains how the premonition works in reality . Although it is not a movie to train your ability to premonition, the explanation of everything that happens when children do not fulfill the wishes of death, warns you about the dangers and situations where a premonition can change your life. If you have already seen the whole saga, I recommend you look for the parts where the character of the funeral home explains to the boys what is happening.

Inception (2010). The movie starring Leonardo DiCaprio quickly became a must-see for those who study dream interpretations. This movie will help you understand about the experience of sleeping, hypnotism and the importance of delivering a correct message.

The butterfly effect (2004). Starring Ashton Kutcher and Amy Smart, it tells about a boy who is able to see various versions of his destiny. You probably enjoyed this movie in the past, but understanding how a premonition changes the outcome of your destiny is key to your training.

The Science of Sleep (2006). A young man trapped in his dreams, it becomes increasingly difficult to escape his imagination. This causes an unreality, which begins to generate problems in his life. It is a special movie to delve into the premonition of dreams.

Beyond dreams (1998). It is one of the mythical films of Robin Williams. Mix various beliefs, situations and problems to understand how an action generates a series of situations in negative sequences.

Recommended books

After the movies, you enter a stage of needing to know with your own criteria what the premonition of dreams consists of. At this point the real training begins, since the following books are part of a long trajectory of thoughts and philosophy related to dreams.

The Interpretation of Dreams – Sigmund Freud. He is the greatest authority on the interpretation and analysis of dreams of the twentieth century. From a psychoanalyst and psychiatric point of view, Sigmund Freud delivers the results of years of research on the analysis of the psychic behavior of his patients and his own dreams.

Memories, dreams, thoughts – Carl Gustav Jung. Sigmund Freud’s favorite disciple, explains the training he had, his studies, discoveries and also his life. It is a book to study wisely.

The meaning of dreams – José Márquez. As its title promises, it is a book with over 300 dream meanings. More than looking for the meaning, try to guide yourself in the study of each type of dream.

The great book of dreams – Emilio Salas. It is considered a dictionary of dreams. In the book he compiles the details of dreams and how they should be interpreted in real life. Along with the previous book, you can start to have your own dream library.

How to interpret dreams and visions – Perry Stone. Once you have studied an important number of dreams, this book will help you to give a correct interpretation to each vision. Premonitory dreams are only predictive if they predict the truth. Although it sounds redundant, it is the basis of these dream visions.

Lucid Dreams – Dylan Tuccillo, Jared Zeizel, and Thomas Peisel. Although lucid dreams and premonitory dreams are different, this book will help you understand a little the techniques of relaxation, concentration and dream management. It is a book to find another vision of dreams.

The science of sleep – Diego Calb and Ana Moreno. It is a book that scientifically explains dreams. It gives you important concepts that will be useful when learning to interpret or have premonitory dreams.

The above list can be read in your order or however you like. However, the study of premonitory dreams requires concentration and understanding the point of view of each writer. I recommend that before starting a new book, you finish the current one. In this way, theories about premonitory dreams will not be mixed .

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