Dreaming Of Rainbows (Spiritual Meanings & Interpretation)
Every time the day turns cloudy and rainy, it is normal for your mood to drop a bit, this type of weather may well make you feel a bit nostalgic or remind you of sad moments in your life. However, once the rain ends, the rainbow appears to cheer you up again. If you have recently had an experience like this, it is likely that you come to dream of rainbows .
In case this dream appears while you sleep for no reason, then you should know that your subconscious seeks to give you an important message. In principle, the meanings of dreaming about rainbows lean towards a positive connotation. The rainbow is the sign that the storm is over and peace reigns .
For many experts in onirology, many of the variants of dreaming about rainbows are closely related to the colors that they show. Why are they related? Well, in the world of symbols, each color has its own way of vibrating with a specific type of energy.For physicists, colors are only an illusion created by the perception of our vision, which are the decoding of different energy sources that work. in various ranges of wavelengths.
What does it mean to dream of rainbows?
I invite you to think for a moment about the situation that you lived in your dream and about your personal situation. You are probably right now in the middle of a difficult situation that is about to turn into a crisis, be it in your professional, family or personal environment. This crisis has been caused by unexpected events that have put an unwanted twist on your plans. So, if you are living a moment like this right now and you come to dream of rainbows, you can be calm because although you may feel that you are about to lose your sanity, sooner than you imagine a positive change will come into your life , a hopeful change. . The rainbow as a dreamlike element has been valued by various cultures since ancient times.
In Eastern culture the colors of the rainbow are deeply linked to the energy points of the body, known as chakras. Each of these colors is a support point and a different energy. The meaning of dreaming of rainbows where the predominance of a color is appreciated, will be defined by the power that that color has. For example, if the color red predominates in your dream, you should know that this dream points to the roots of your existence; orange talks about your creativity; yellow to strength and green to love. Coming in contact with a rainbow while you sleep will elevate your actions, opening the possibility of finding the right direction that will take you to the end of your plans and projects.
Dream of rainbows and rain
Dreaming of rainbows and rain is the way your subconscious shows you that your inner prayers will be answered . This dream is a sign of joy because in a few days you will find the magic solution to solve that inconvenience that has been taking away your peace. It is important that you take into account the representations in this dream since the sky symbolizes your life, that reality that you live right now. When you can see how a rainbow crosses the sky, it is a sign that soon a person will make your life take an unexpected turn. It is not a love omen, however, you should know that the contact with that influential person will be short, but full of intensity, leaving a mark that will define a before and after.
Also discover the meaning of dreaming about rain .
Dream of two rainbows
Dreaming of two rainbows indicates that probably in your life you are unconsciously developing a bridge between different states of consciousness and your staunch desire for transcendence. Whatever the case, it reveals that you will have hope in the face of problems and the good omens that the future holds . It is also the representation of harmony and chance. It is likely that you have finally found peace and the true meaning of your purpose to fulfill your existence in this world.
Dreaming of rainbows at night
Given its nature, dreaming of rainbows at night is undoubtedly a very crazy and impossible scenario. It is well known that rainbows are a phenomenon of light, which means that they need photons and a light beam that allows them to project. Therefore, this dream is a very bad omen since it is a contrary interpretation where you will see any hope you may have fall. However, don’t let your spirits fall. The universe has great wisdom so, instead of being a limitation, this situation will free you from a reality full of lies to make way for that opportunity for success you are looking for.
Dreams of rainbows of fire
Dreaming of rainbows of fire is a dreamlike experience with a positive omen that signals the arrival of luck, prosperity, hope and success in your life. Remember that the rainbow is the bridge between your personal “I” and the higher “I”. Physically it is impossible to cross this spiritual bridge if you want to reach the pot of gold. Pay attention because you may be going through a time full of many creative ideas that will allow you to enjoy life to the fullest.
You may also be interested in discovering what it means to dream of fire .
Dreaming of rainbows in the sea
Dreaming of rainbows in the sea portends that a season full of calm and tranquility will soon come into your life, it also bodes that you will begin to enjoy things in life much more .
Other meanings of dreams with rainbows
- Dreaming of a white rainbow speaks of purity. You are a person who has a pure connection with the universe, take advantage of this moment because everything you try to do will become possible.
- Dreaming of rainbows around the sun is a dream experience which reveals that you will soon get good results as a result of your effort. This good luck is aimed at rare financial gains, such as the lottery or the jackpot at a casino.